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FixMeBot as an Extension
for Your Browser

Google Chrome browser icon
Microsoft Edge browser icon
Vivaldi browser icon
Opera browser icon
Yandex browser icon
Click on any browser icon to download the FixMeBot extension for it!
Integrated into your Favourite Websites:
Gmail icon
Google icon
Instagram icon
Jira icon
LinkedIn icon
Notion icon
Microsoft Outlook icon
Slack icon
Telegram icon
Booking.com icon
Confluence icon
WhatsApp icon
YouTube icon
And many others..
Tilda icon
Reddit icon
Medium icon
Tumblr icon
Facebook icon
Pinterest icon
Miro icon
Skype icon
Twitter X icon
Canva icon
Wordpress icon
Intercom icon
Google Calendar icon
Threads icon
Quora icon
Apple Mail icon
Asana icon
How It Works
How FixMeBot can help you in a browser
Just start typing something – and you will see the Bot's icon
Simply click on it and the Bot will suggest you all processing methods it offers!
Select the feature you need – and let the Bot make your text even better!
FixMeBot Browser Extension: opened Integrated assistant Widget with the list of features
Integrated assistant (widget)
FixMeBot Browser Extension: Integrated assistant Widget - example of usage
Pop-up window in browser toolbar
Another great way of enjoying FixMeBot is to use it as a pop-up window in the toolbar of your browser
Simply click on the Bot's icon in the toolbar
FixMeBot is able to appear as a widget in any text field or when you select any text on a webpage
Sidebar panel
The extension will be opened and you can use FixMeBot by typing and modifying your texts directly is the opened window!
FixMeBot Browser Extension: Pop-up window in browser toolbar - example of usage
FixMeBot Browser Extension: Integrated assistant Widget; text field with FixMeBot's icon - example of usage
FixMeBot Browser Extension: Integrated assistant Widget; text field with FixMeBot's icon - example of usage
FixMeBot Browser Extension: Instructions on how to open pop-up window in Chrome browser: click on FixMeBot's icon in the toolbar
FixMeBot Browser Extension: Sidebar panel in Chrome browser - example of usage
Right click on the FixMeBot icon in the toolbar
FixMeBot Browser Extension: Instructions on how to open Sidebar panel in Chrome browser: right click on FixMeBot's icon in the toolbar
Choose "Open side panel"
FixMeBot Browser Extension: Instructions on how to open Sidebar panel in Chrome browser: choose "open side panel"
OR select the part of the text you want to modify – and you will see the Bot's icon
Use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge?
The Bot can serve as a sidebar helper!
It is a very convenient way of using the Bot, as you have 2 windows open at the same time: any web page you want and FixMeBot at hand.
Google Chrome icon
Microsoft Edge icon
See all subscription plans
and choose the one that perfectly suits your needs
How it works
The process is easy and convenient
Set up FixMeBot
Install the FixMeBot Browser Extension in your favourite browser and subscribe to a preferable Subscription plan
Select processing method
Choose from the available features:
mistakes correction, paraphrasing, translation, length adjustment, emojifying, hashtagifying, reply, explanation, or magic mode.
Send your text to the Bot
FixMeBot will process your text and provide instant AI-generated suggestions
and corrections
Improve your text
Make necessary revisions and turn your texts into a masterpiece!
Have unanswered questions or troubles with the payment? Don't worry!
Feel free to reach out to us, and we will gladly help you and find the solution:
Explore it for free and start enjoying all benefits
of the best AI-powered Language Assistant:
Start using FixMeBot's Browser Extension now –
Enhance the quality of your writing!